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DIY - Twisted headband.
Thursday, July 4, 2013 | 0 comments
 Hello guys! This is my first tutorial! 
I will show you, how you can make your own twisted headband! I really think they are cute & adorable, I didn't have any fancy nor cute fabrics, sooo, this will just be a tutorial on how to make it, please ignore the fact my fabric is dull and boring. cx ( I will definitely redo this tutorial one day, with some real fancy fabric etc! haha)
Anyways, let's get started!

You will need:
1 Wire
1 Fabric of your choice (Please make sure it's measured long enough to be around your head & maybe a bit longer for the twist).
Sewing gear or a sew machine (Your choice).
1 scissor or a cutter.
1 Fabric glue.
1 Fabric marker.

So, I picked out an old cloth to use, for today. Please replace it with some fabulous fabric instead haha, but as you can see, it's dull and white.

 Now what you will want to do is, to draw small lines on where you want to cut it, please make sure you can be available to bend your cutted / choosen fabric, so the edges are a like. If that makes sense... You will have to sew them together later haha.

 Ok so, let's get it cutted! Here is my cutted cloth, so you will want to bend your cloth together now, so they are even, (I hope you can see my cloth is half bended)

 Let's keep going! Draw some lines again, on the corners of your fabric, like this, you will do it like this, because then you will get the cute sharp egde, for your twist on your headband, anyways do it on both sides & let's cut again!

 Here I cutted both edges, now you can see how my cloth looks like!

 Now the long side, that isn't sticking together on your fabric, like... The part where you bend & your side that isn't sticking together yet, you will now sew it, but don't sew the egde lines, (the twist sides) So ONLY the long side. (Here you can see I sewed the side, I only took a close up picture, sooo.)

 Now you will turn your fabric inside out, so you kind of get the sewed layer inside, so your fabric looks much better haha!


Now you will need this long of a wire, yes this long. 
Leave some centimeters longer that your fabric.

What you will do now, is that you twist the egdes of your wire like this, to kind of avoid the sharp egde of your wire, (Those hurt :c).

Now, pull the wire through your fabric, so it's as long as your headband, and get the wire egdes at the top, to your fabric corner ( The sharp corners). 

Now the egde sides, is where you'll either use fabric glue or you can sew them again.
 (I used clue because I am so lazy).

& you're done!
This is my finished result, imagine it with some fancy colours thanks. 
Oh, you if you remember my fabric, it was kind of long at the width, so just bend it. 
I did that.
You can also choose to cut your fabric a bit smaller, but I kind of like when my headbands is a bit big so 

Thanks for reading! I hope this tutorial was a lot of help.
There's also youtube videos on how to do it. c: 

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Sick, but happy Monday!
Tuesday, July 2, 2013 | 0 comments
That has been me the whole day, eugh. I feel so bad eughhh. 

But I'm so happy still omg, my acne is starting to go away yaaaaaaaaay. - I'll post something up during a week of time, to show what I did to hold my acne awayy! c: Patience.

If I wasn't this sick, I would just have jumped up from bed right now & dancing like that, because I'm so happy.

Thought you could beat me acne? THINK AGAIN. HAHAHAH.
Don't mind the craziness in this post, it's my sickness and such... Great excuse Sessie.. ahah.
Anyways! I am so jealous of my brother omg. He left for Thailand today! Thinking about him sitting in a flight right now on his way to Thailand, is like "aiofhaohha". I want to gooo, but I have to wait 2 more weeks exact.. :-c & being sick slows the day eugh. Don't mind my rants, you'll be seeing that a lot in my blog. cx
&&&& this is what I do when I am sick, it looks like I have botox lips, but whatever. LOL I even added a cute duck, aww ruprup. c: (I used linecamera if anyone is curious about my killer selfie.)

Did I mention, I am wearing my brother's old soccer shirt? I found it somehow, and weared it. It's so big and comfortable, hehehe. (I always steal my brother's t-shirts.) They are just so comfy. & Yes, they do rage at me, but...... 

That's all for today! Back to dying c: See you guys! 

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Monday, July 1, 2013 | 0 comments
Ah, what is up with today? :'c I wokeup with a sore throat, stuffed nose & lame coughs. sobsob
Yes, it's what you think....
That's literally me.^
& I literally did the worst mistake & by that I mean I even went to clean the house for some hours, with dust & etc, eugh. Why am I so dumb? But I felt like I had to, since I had promised my mom that I would do the cleaning for her, so she wouldn't be more exhausted when she got home haha.
Anywayssss~! I woke up some hours ago, because my older brother & his girlfriend was visiting, they are leaving for Thailand tomorrow! Ah I was so envious haha, but I'm going in 15 days anyways, so I'll be meeting up with them there & also meeting my other brother whom is going to fly there alone, 5 days before us. cx But I want to go nowww!
Haha I always feel like I can express myself more with gifs, pictures etc.. It also doesn't make my posts to be some sort of long roman, with no pictures.. We lyk pictures yes.
Anyways! I might go watch some movies, eat some nice instant soup (I'm so unhealthy hurhur). & drink some nice green tea with honey, nomnom. I'm a tea addict to be honest. cx
Hahha, that's all for now! I'm actually working on some tutorials, I'm just spending so much time on editing and such, so stay tuned! I will definitely upload at least one tutorial before I'm leaving off to Thailand, I'm definitely going on a shopping haul, that I might make a post of as well, also buy some stuff to use for my tutorials and such! So yeah haha! I'm excited for this blog in the future! 
Thanks for reading!
Goodnight! c:


A nice Sunday.
Sunday, June 30, 2013 | 0 comments
Hello blog!
So today, was a nice day. As you all can see, it's 1:48 AM for me haha....
I even woke up at like 8 am "yesterday", and had to work, it was kind of nice, because I'm getting my paycheck tomorrow~ Which is today eventually.. Lmao..
Anyways.. I'm on summerbreak as well! Which means, no more work ti'll August, since I am flying to Thailand for 1 month, bringing my best friend along with me! (Together with my family) We're going to visit relatives c: I miss them all so much ahha, can't wait to see them again ahoaghoahahåajgh <- Excitement.
(Sorry for my grammar on this post again).. I'm literally apologizing for all my posts.. Shouldn't I just change my whole blog to the name "SORRYFORMYGRAMMAR.BLOGSPOT.COM". That was not funny, but you know what I mean.
Anyyywhoo! After work, I went to cook some nice food, nomnom. Which was curry, mhmhm. My friend and I had planned to go out for a 5km run & so we did! & We made it nonstop yay! I'm so proud haha.
But yeah.. My friend & I (Also the one who is tagging along to Thailand) She and I ended up hanging out at her place for awhile & we made this mask for your skin (Since I have some acne ;_;) sobsob. (I will make a post about this later on). So then I told her I had some leftovers from the curry and curry is literally her soulmate, so she went to shower as I borrowed her Beats by Dre headphones.. Which was by the way, a heavenly way to listen to music on, omg literally jizz. Hahhah
But then we cycled home to my place and hung out ti'll 12am, haha. This is normal for us...
But then I had to shower and eat again, since i'm such a fatty heheh. c-:
Which makes me end up here, at 1:56am now.. Soon 2am..
Oh well hahah! Sleep is for the weak! ... Bohoho but I am weak though..
So I might head off to bed soon!
I'll end my daily post here c: I'll also post some tutorials up for the mask we used earlier! It was pretty nice and calming.
- Night if there's any readers! c:

Saturday, June 29, 2013 | 0 comments
Hello again my readers! (If I even have any haha.) well, as I was writing on my earlier post, today we was celebrating my brother's & his girlfriend's graduation! 
It was so much fun, there was so many people though x x, but we had lots of delicious food prepared! It was all super tasty & a lot of them really liked our food, I cooked with my mamaaa! Haha, I was sooo happy, also seeing everyone else happy, was a good sight! Oh! My brother's girlfriend's dad had baked this awesome cake!! (Since he is a pastry, in his sparetime) well it was super awesome! I even took a picture of it! 
Look at that! It was super awesome & even tastier haha! There's written the Einstein formula & my brother's & his girlfriend's exams project formular they used! I really fancied the cake as you can see HAHA. 
But just look at that! It even looks like pages! It's an open book, with cute decorations on the other page * 0 *! 
Also, I loved the cute calculator haha, having an infinity as a equality haha. Got to adore that. cx Okay enough, cake talk! 
- So right now, I'm going to end my day with some movies c: Still figuring out what to watch though. (Excuse my grammar mistakes, I'm just so lazy & I'm on my phone cx.. Was too lazy to upload the pictures to my lappy haha, so I used my iphone instead). Bear with it! 
Okay, sooo thanks for reading, stay tuned for more! c: 
Nightnight my readers! Haha. 

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Tired, oh Lord.
Friday, June 28, 2013 | 0 comments
Ahh, so I'll write about my day!
I woke up around 7am, because my mom woke me up to tell me her & my dad would be leaving at 9am haha. I wish she could have wrote me a paper note  & putted it on the table instead! I was literally a zombie, could barely listen to her, but I manage to say goodbye, with my zombie voice haha, after that I was sleeping for 10 minutes until my cousin whom lives in Thailand started to spam my phone & with calls & I had to pick up haha, but it was a nice conversation to start the day off with!
Anyways, I ate a new baked bread, that my mom had bought early in the morning, sobsob so happy & so deliiicioussss, then I started drawing for a couple of hours (I am currently working on this shoujo manga of mine.) 
Oh by the way! My parents left in the morning, because my older brother got his diploma for graduating! He is attending university now!! Uah, so proud (I couldn't tag along though, because he could appearently only bring 2 people ;~;) Congratulations brother!
- Anywayssss, when my parents arrived home, my brother tagged along, since we were going to leave for this place, my brother's girlfriend's parents & mine had rented for tomorrow, because we're celebrating their graduation! (I'll maybe post some pictures!) :D, but I had to help to get everything ready for tomorrow.. Which means, when I would come home I had to help my mom cook lots of food for tomorrow, omg, we literally spent 6 hours to cook lots of yummmyy food, we actually just finished a while ago. (Although the thought of, we're not finished is upsetting me haha.) 
So it's 00:23 am right now... It's today we'll be celebrating and I'll have to wake up early to finish the last food we need to cook for later, since the party already starts at 12pm >o<
- God, I'm so tired, but I feel like I did something productive today! I got some nice chats with my mom & had fun preparing at the place we'll be celebrating c: 
Well, that's it for now! Stay tuned haha, I will do my best on posting pictures to my blog posts hah!
p.s. I'm sorry for any English grammar mistakes! I am just so tired, to even bother on re-reading & correcting... 


Thursday, June 27, 2013 | 0 comments
Ahh, remember the earlier post, where I wrote about how lazy and so "productive" it was haha. Well it continued like that through out the rest of the day. Ahh, I'm trying to plan tomorrow. I must do something tomorrow! cx Oh well, it's 23:19 P.M now. Somewhat, I feel soooooo exhausted hahah. I'm going to head to bed! I'm such a weakling when it get's to staying up cx.
Goooodnight Zz! c:
Hahahahah, also enjoy this picture c'x. I don't know why, I just think it was suitable for this post haha! Goodnight from Spongebob... cx

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